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A member registered Jan 24, 2020

Recent community posts

its almost going to be 3 years since the last update. This game is dead lol

doubt the guy is still working on it. He probably just makes "updates" on the discord server so he doesn't lose his patreon money

its been almost 3 years since 0.1.2 released. I think the dev abandoned this project

Man I hope we get to see more of shiki or Polaris for case 3.
Yes, im into milfs what about it?

holy crap.... ive been loading everytime i lost. Spent a good half an hour trying to win Haha. Sorry, i'm quite stupid 

i think im retarted but is it actually possible to win the stick game? 

really good game with an interesting plot. Art is also pretty damn good. Heres hoping this game gets a full release in the future and not get stuck in development hell. Also hoping for a Noriko or Yasuka Hscene for the next update. 

is cleo the only one with the interactive sex option?

(1 edit)

Sorry for the stupid question but is it possible to download a previous version of the game? Specifically 0.13.2? For some reason, my previous 0.13.2 saves isnt working for 0.14. 

shitty transfer quota from mega and gdrive link is down

Is there a way to play kate's scenes after the game other than the classroom scene?

chances are she's waiting by the door to the office ready to ambush and from my experiences once you have the key she insta kills you.

(2 edits)

How to easily beat this game if you're having trouble
1. First thing you need to do  after spawning is sprint towards the storage room and fix the generators 
2.Next is to find infirmary keys
3.Go  to her when you take damage because she heals you (get some meds from infirmary if you start feeling dizzy)
4.Lastly go look for the keys (only locked room has codes in them)
-You only need 3 codes. Once you find 3 you can start doing trial and error by inputing any number on the last number you need. Dw if she attacks you. Chances are she wont kill you.
-Once you get the exit key DON'T rush towards the exit. Bait her into the room until she's on the other side of the desk away from the door. After that you can just sprint towards the exit.

Cool game but the ending was a bit underwhelming tbh

Holy fuck i jacked off so much to this game that my dick is now permanently flaccid. Really well made game. Just 1 question. Are we gonna get more kate scenes owo

Holy crap i totally forgot this game existed lmao